Page:Glimpse of glory, or, A Gospel discovery of Emmanuel's land (2).pdf/6

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bringing rebels to ſtoop; and be received into mercy and favour again? Who other could have given hell ſuch a blow as it ſhall never be able to riſe? and raiſe men and angels to ſuch a pitch, as that they ſhall never fall! Who other could have led captivity captive and purchaſed gifts for men, even for the rebellious? Who other could have opened the gates of this celeſtial paradiſe, ſhut upon baſe, ungrateful man? and exalted him, by thouſands of ſtages to more glory an excellency than he fell from! thou art all in all, thou art marrowleſs, O well Beloved! no more compariſons betwix thee and creatures. Hide yourſelves and be confounded, all lower excellencies; be ye ſilent, all creatures, when he begins to ſpeak; cover your faces, all you little glories and beauties, when he doth ſhew his face; you are nothing, you are vanity compared to him, he is all things. Verily in him dwells all fulneſs Thou are not O heaven of heavens, worthy to be a footſtool for his glorious feet. Infinite worlds erected above one another were low for him to tread upon. What are you men and angels that you ſhould thus ſtand beside him? That you ſhould let your head within that word, he is pleaſed to dwell in? Did he not wonderfully condeſcend, you might run out without the very creation? What is our ſtrength and beauty? On whoſe legs do we ſtand? Are we able for a moment, to perſevere in our integrity without him? Should we not all become deformed in ſin? Can he draw into himſelf what he darts forth