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comprehend at once, thouſands of thouſands of created paradiſes of beauty, one ſight of thy God-like viſage would ſwallow up all angels, had you ſuch a ſweet manifeſtation of divine beauty in the beginning, as now: Is not our heaven now two heavens? Since the eſſential image of God ſtandeth here clothed with the human nature, as our ‘everlaſting king priest’ the great Lord ‘mediator of the new covenant’ the boundleſs treaſure of all fulneſs, out of which we ſhall all be filled and ſatiated for evermore. Are we not as it were conſtrained betwixt ſtanding back and drawing near? Theſe who behold thee, what can thy think of themſelves? Yet who can ſee and take reſt until they be folded in thy raviſhing embrace? Verily, thou art both the ſhame and glory of creatures: Created excellency is exalted in thee to the higheſt pitch; and all created excellency is beautified and obſcured before thee. This is the man, men and angels by whom all things in heaven and earth do flouriſh and bloom. This is the Tree of Life, the great Vine of Glory, into which we are all ingrafted as ſo many boughs and twigs; all the glory of his father’s houſe hangs upon him the Offspring and Iſſue, as ſo many chips and pieces darting out from him. This is he, in whom we have been ordained to this bleſſedneſs from eternity: This is he, who was promiſed to the people, under he firſt diſpenſation of the goſpel; who was held forth by types and ſhadows unto them. This is he, by