Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. II, 1889.djvu/261

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“But may be that——. You think he isn’t quite so easy in his talking to you as he was?’

“I’ve fancied it. But it was only”——

“Well, you may be partly right,” said her grandfather, softening his voice. "See, Jane, I’ll tell you something. I think there’s no harm; perhaps I ought to. You must know that I hadn’t meant to speak to Sidney of these things just when I did. It came about, because he had something to tell me, and something I was well pleased to hear. It was about you, Jane, and in that way I got talking,—something about you, my child. Afterwards, I asked him whether he wouldn’t speak to you yourself, but he said no,—not till you’d heard all that was before you. I think I understood him, and I daresay you will, if you think it over.”

Matter enough for thinking over, in these words. Did she understand them aright? Before leaving the room she had not dared to look her grandfather in the face, but she knew well that he was regarding her still with the same smile. Did she understand him aright?