Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. I, 1889.djvu/60

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the work that's to be done," pursued John, "what else can you expect? The old uns have to give way, of course. Let 'em beg; let 'em starve! What use are they?"

Mrs. Hewett had put a kettle on the fire, and began to arrange the table for a meal.

"Go an' get your wet things off, John," she said. "You'll be havin' your rheumatics again."

"Never mind me, Maggie. What business have you to be up an' about? You need a good deal more takin' care of than I do. Here, let Amy get the tea."

The three children. Amy, Annie, and Tom, had come forward, as only children do who are wont to be treated affectionately on their father's return. John had a kiss and a caress for each of them; then he stepped to the bed and looked at his latest born. The baby was moaning feebly; he spoke no word to it, and on turning away glanced about the room absently. In the meantime his wife had taken some clothing from a chest of drawers, and at length he was persuaded to