Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. I, 1889.djvu/270

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uproar. Jack Bartley wore a high hat,—Bob never had owned one in his life,—and about his neck was a tie of crimson; yellow was his waistcoat, even such a waistcoat as you may see in Pall Mall, and his walking-stick had a nigger’s head for handle. He was the oracle of the maidens around him; every moment the appeal was to “Jeck! Jeck!” Suke Jollop, who would in reality have preferred to accompany Bob and his allies, whispered it about that Jack had two-pound-ten in his pocket, and was going to spend every penny of it before he left the “Paliss,”—yes, “every bloomin’ penny!”

Thus early in the day, the grounds were of course preferred to the interior of the glass house. Bob and Pennyloaf bent their steps to the fair. Here abeady was gathered much goodly company; above their heads hung a thick white wavering cloud of dust. Swingboats and merry-go-rounds are from of old the chief features of these rural festivities; they soared and dipped and circled to the joyous music of organs which played the