Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. I, 1889.djvu/218

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"And you knew me again after all this time?"

"Your's isn't an easy face to forget," replied Mr. Scawthorne, with the subdued polite smile which naturally accompanied his tone of unemotional intimacy. "To tell you the whole truth, however, I happened to hear news of you a few days ago. I met Grace Rudd; she told me you were here. Some old friend had told her."

Grace's name awoke keen interest in Clara. She was startled to hear it, and did not venture to make the inquiry her mind at once suggested. Mr. Scawthorne observed her for an instant, then proceeded to satisfy her curiosity. Grace Rudd was on the stage; she had been acting in provincial theatres under the name of Miss Danvers, and was now waiting for a promised engagement at a minor London theatre.

"Do you often go to the theatre?" he added carelessly. "I have a great many acquaintances connected with the stage in one way or another. If you would like, I should be