Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 2 (1919).djvu/14

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military force under Major-General Sir Charles Warren to take possession of Land Goosen—Proceedings of the expedition—Beaconing off the boundary line between the South African Republic and Betshuanaland—Dispersal without resistance of the people of Land Goosen—Resignation of Mr. Rhodes as deputy commissioner—Proclamation of a protectorate over the whole of Betshuanaland—Withdrawal of Sir Charles Warren's expedition from Betshuanaland—Enrolment of a strong police force under Lieutenant-Colonel Carrington—Creation of the Crown Colony of British Betshuanaland—Appointment of the necessary officials—Account of Mankoroane—Progress of British Betshuanaland—Attitude of David Massou—Dispersal of his clan—Account of the tribes in the protectorate of Northern Betshuanaland—Exploration of Matabeleland—Death of the explorers from poison—Mission to Lobengula—Efforts of Germany to obtain possession of parts of South Africa—Annexation of British Betshuanaland to the Cape Colony—Number of Europeans in the province—Condition of the protectorate of Northern Betshuanaland

Events in the Cape Colony to the end of 1884.

Various views concerning confederation—Formation of the Farmers' Protection Association—Formation of the Afrikander Bond—Rejection of confederation by the Cape Colony—Retirement of Sir Bartle Frere—Appointment of Sir Hercules Robinson as governor of the Cape Colony and high commissioner—Opening of telegraphic communication with Europe—Progress in the construction of railways—Advance in civilisation of the Bantu in the colony—Marks of improvement in the Cape Colony—Disastrous shipwrecks—Erection of the Parliament Houses in Capetown—Progress in steamship communication with England—Restoration of Dutch as one of the official languages of the Cape Colony—Ravages of smallpox—Retirement from public life of Mr. Saul Solomon—Prominence of Mr. Cecil John Rhodes—Retirement of the Scanlen ministry—Formation of the Upington ministry—Improvements in Capetown—Opening of an Industrial Exhibition—Formation and dissolution of the Empire League—Death of the reverend Dr. Moffat and of the honourable Robert Godlonton