Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/154

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134 History of the Cape Colony. [1878 On the colonial side sixty Europeans and one hundred and thirty-three Fingos had lost their Kves, and fully as many had been wounded, but recovered. The cost in money of the suppression of the rebellion was heavy for a colony that needed every penny of its revenue for internal improvements : by Act 24 of 1878 the govern- ment was empowered by parliament to borrow £750,000 to cover part of the expense, and the interest on this sum was thereafter a charge upon the taxpayers. When the accounts were finally made up and audited, it was found that in round numbers ^61, 200,000 had been paid out directly by the colonial treasury, besides which the excess expenditure of the imperial government from the 1st of August 1877 to the 31st of July 1878, caused by the war and rebellion in South Africa, was £534,910, chargeable to the colony. It has been mentioned that Dukwana and a few other professing Christians took part in the rebellion. But the number of those who did so was exceedingly small compared with the whole number of converts, the great majority of whom remained loyal to the government. They requested indeed not to be called 'upon to fight against their erring kinsmen, but this was regarded by the authorities as so natural and reasonable that it was unhesitatingly complied with. The only members of any Rarabe clan that actually fought on the colonial side were some three hundred of Siwani's men, who on account of the old feud with Siyolo were ready to avenge themselves on that chief's adherents. The Christian Bantu in general conducted themselves in an orderly manner, and gave little or no trouble to the magistrates. On the 28th of June Mr. Sprigg, the prime minister, gave not;ce of motion in the house of assembly " that the thanks of this house be given to his Excellency Lieutenant-General the honourable Frederick Augustus Thesiger, C.B., Commodore Francis William Sullivan,