Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/152

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132 History of the Cape Colony. [1878 his people, may have been his dying thoughts, no one can tell. That his followers were devoted to him has been shown, as also that he had nothing but birth to entitle him to their regard. According to our ideas he had not even that, for not a drop of the blood of Rarabe flowed in his veins. According to Bantu ideas he was Gaika's great son because he was the son of Gaika's great wife, though all men knew that his natural father was not Gaika. Born in 1821, he was fifty-seven years of age when he died at Isidengi hill. At almost the same time as the death of Sandile, Siyolo was killed. He was endeavouring to get into the Fish river bush with his followers when he met his fate. On the 10th of June old Anta, Sandile's half- brother and head of an important clan, died. During the rebellion he had professed to be loyal to the govern- ment, though many of his people took part with the insurgents. On the 11th of June Ndimba, finding he could hold out no longer, went into Komgha, and surrendered to the magistrate there. The only men of any note who still held out, or rather who still tried to conceal themselves, for they no longer attempted to attack or even resist, were the Gunukwebe chief Delima, who had no influence whatever beyond his own clan, and who surrendered on the 30tb of July, and Matanzima and Edmund, the sons of Sandile. These two were discovered and apprehended on the 1st of July. Nothing now remained to be done except to ferret out and apprehend or kill the miserable men who were roaming about in a starving condition, without leaders or other object than to escape detection and obtain food of any kind to support life. It is very easy to talk of mercy, but men who were longing to return to their homes and ordinary occupations, and who were unable to do so while hungry robbers were prowling about, of