Page:George McCall Theal, History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884, Volume 1 (1919).djvu/14

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spread disaffection of the Bantu in South Africa—Arrival of two more battalions of British troops—Differences between the views of the governor and the prime minister as to military operations—Opinion of Attorney-General Stockenstrom—Abrupt dismissal of the ministry by the governor—Acceptance of office as prime minister by Mr. John Gordon Sprigg—Names of the members of the new ministry—Opinion of the secretary of state for the colonies as to the matter in dispute—Return of the governor to Capetown—Opening of parliament on the 10th of May—Important measures introduced—Particulars of the debate upon the dismissal of the late ministry—Approval by parliament of the action of the governor—Adoption of a series of acts for establishing a strong defensive force on the eastern frontier—Imposition of an excise duty on spirits distilled in the Cape Colony—Particulars of the house duty act—Particulars concerning the peace preservation or disarmament act of 1878

Suppression of the rebellion of the Rarabe clans.
Occupation of the Thomas river valley by Sandile's Gaikas—Defeat of a Gaika army under Matanzima—Attitude of Tini, son of Makoma, in the Waterkloof—Occupation of the Waterkloof by the ninetieth regiment and some volunteers—Flight of Tini and his people to the Amatola forests—Retirement of General Cunynghame and succession of General Thesiger to the command of the troops in South Africa—Operations against Sandile in the Thomas river valley and afterwards in the Amatola forests—Treatment of the Kaffir women and children made prisoners during the rebellion—Crushing defeat of Stokwe, son of Tshali—Accession to the rebel forces of Delima, son of Pato, Jali, son of Umkayi, and Siyolo, son of Dushane—Defeat of Siyolo with heavy loss—Continued operations in the Amatola forest—Death of Jali in battle—Capture of the Tembu chiefs Gongubela, Stokwe, and Umfanta—New plan of operations against the rebels—Capture of Tini—Death of Sandile from a bullet wound—Death of Siyolo—Surrender of Delima and Ndimba—Capture of Matanzima and Gonya—Thorough suppression of the rebellion—Cost of the war and rebellion—Conduct of the Christian Bantu—Settlement of