Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/82

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forms of genera which exist at the present time. This ad-mixture was first noticed by M. Desnoyers, in the marine formations of the Faluns of Touraine.[1] Similar admixtures

have been found in Bavaria,[2] and near Darmstadt.[3] Many

blende, to be 7.29. (Geol. Researches, p. 379.)—The compact lava of Calabria contains 10. of carbonate of lime, and the basalt of Saxony 9.5.

We may, in like manner, refer the origin of those large quantities of silex, which constitute the chert and flint beds of stratified formations, to the waters of hot springs, holding siliceous earth in solution, and depositing it on exposure to reduced degrees of temperature and pressure, as silex is deposited by the hot waters that issue from the geysers of Iceland.

  1. Here, the remains of Palæotherium, Antbracotherinm, and Lophiodon, which formed the prevailing genera in the Eocene period, are found mixed with bones of the Tapir, Mastodon, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, and Horse: these bones are fractured and rolled, and sometimes covered with flustra, and must have been derived from carcasses drifted into an estuary, or sea. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Février, 1828.
  2. Count Munster and Mr. Murchison have discovered, at Georgensgemünd, in Bavaria, the bones of Palæotherium, Anoplotherinm, and Anthracotherium, mixed with those of Mastodon, Rhinoceros, Hippotamus, Horse, Ox, Bear, Fox, &c.; and several species of land shells.

    A very interesting detailed description of the remains found at this place has been published by Hermann von Meyer, Frankfurt, 1834, 4to. with 14 plates.

  3. We learn from the excellent publication of Professor Kaup, of Darmstadt, that at Epplesheim, near Altzey, about twelve leagues south of Mayence, remains of the following animals have been found, in strata of sand, referable to the second or Miocene period of the tertiary formations. These are preserved in the Museum at Darmstadt.
    Number of
    Dinotherium 2
    Gigantic Herbivorous Animals fifteen and eighteen feet long.
    Tapirus 2 Larger than living species.
    Chalicotherium 2 Allied to Tapirs.
    Rhinoceros 2
    Tetracaulodon 1 Allied to Mastodon.
    Hippotherium 1 Allied to the Horse.
    Sus 3 Hog
    Felix 4 Large Cats, some as large as a Lion.
    Machairodus 1 Allied to Bear. Ursus Cultridens.
    Gulo 1 Glutton.
    Agnotherium 1 Allied to Dog, large as a Lion.

    See Description d'Ossemens Fossiles, par Kaup. Darmst. 1832.