Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/396

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an extensive fund of arguments, and lays open a new and large field of inquiry, both to the Physiologist, and to the student in Physico-Theology.

In the fossil Flora, we have not only the existing fundamental distinctions between Endogenous and Exogenous plants, but we have also agreement in the details of structure, throughout numerous families, which indicates the influence of the same Laws, that regulate the development of the living members of the vegetable kingdom.

The remains of Fructitication, also; found occasionally with the plants of all formations, show still further, that the principles of vegetable Reproduction have at all times been the same.

The exquisite organizations which are disclosed by the microscope, in that which to the naked eye is but a log of Lignite, or a lump of Coal, not only demonstrate the adaptation of means to ends, but the application also of similar means, to effect corresponding ends, throughout the several Creations which have modified the changing forms of vegetable life.

Such combinations of contrivances, varying with the varied conditions of the earth, not only prove the existence of a Designer from the existence of method, and design; but from the Connexion of parts, and Unity of purpose, which pervade the entirety of one vast, and complex, but harmonious Whole, show that One, and the same Mind gave origin and efficacy to them all.


Proofs of Design in the Dispositions of Strata of the Carboniferous Order.

In reviewing the History and geological position of vegetables which have passed into the state of mineral coal, we have seen that our grand supplies of fossil fuel are derived