Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/392

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every known living species.[1] These leaves are too well preserved to have endured tranport by water from a distant region, and must apparently be referred to extinct species, which, in the Tertiary period, were indigenous in Europe.

No pinnated Palm leaf has yet been found in the Tertiary Strata, although the number of these ibrms among existing palms, is more than double that of the flabelliform leaves.[2]

Fossil Fruits of Palms.

Many fossil fruits of the Tertiary period belong to the family of Palms, all of which, according to M. Ad. Brongniart, seem derived from Genera that have pinnated leaves. Several such fruits occur in the Tertiary clay of the Island of Sheppey; among which are the Date,[3] now peculiar to Africa and India; the Cocoa-nut,[4] which grows universally within the tropics; the Bactris, which is limited to America; and the Areca, which is found only in Asia. Not one of these can be referred to any flabelliform palm. Fossil Cocoa-nuts occur also at Brussels, and at Liblar near Cologne, together with fruits of the Areca.

  1. The leaf represented in Pl. 64. fig. 1. is that of a fabelliform Palm (Palmacites Lamanonis,) from the Gypsum of Aix in Provence; similar leaves have been found in three other parts of France, near Amiens, Mans, and Angers, all in strata of the Tertiary epoch. Another species (Palmacites Parisiensis) has been found in the Calcaire Grossier, near Versailles Cuvier and Brongniart, Geognosie des Environs de Paris, Pl. 8, fig. 1 .E.) A third species of Palm leaf (Palmacites flabellatus) occurs in the Molasse of Switzerland, near Lausanne, and in the Lignite of Hœring, in Tyrol. See Pl. 1, figs. 13. 66.
  2. The Date, Cocoa-nut Palm, and Areca are familiar examples of Palms having pinnated leaves. See Pl.-1. figs. 67. 68.
  3. See Parkinson's Org. Rem. Vol. i. Pl. VI. fig. 4, 9.
  4. See Parkinson's Org. Rem. Vol. i. Pl. VII. fig. 1—5. M. Brongniart says, these fruits are undoubtedly of the Genus Cocos, near to Cocos lapidea, of Gærtner.