Page:Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 1837, volume 1.djvu/366

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certain families have no living representatives, and even ceased to exist after the deposition of the Coal formation, yet are they connected with modern vegetables by common principles of structure, and by details of organization, which show them all to be parts of One grand, and consistent, and harmonious Design.

We may end our account of the Plants to which we have traced the origin of Coal, with a summary view of the various Natural changes, and processes in Art and Industry, through which we can follow the progress of this curious and most important vegetable production.

Few persons are aware of the remote and wonderful Events in the economy of our Planet, and of the complicated applications of human Industry and Science, which are involved in the production of the Coal that supplies with fuel the Metropolis of England. The most early stage to which we can carry back its origin, was among the swamps and forests of the primeval earth, where it flourished in the form of gigantic Calamites, and stately Lepidodendra, and Sigillariæ. From their native bed, these plants were torn away, by the storms and inundations of a hot and humid climate, and transported in some adjacent Lake, or Estuary, or Sea. Here they floated on the waters, until they sank saturated to the bottom, and being buried in the detritus of adjacent lands, became transferred to a new estate among the members of the mineral kingdom. A long interment followed, during which a course of Chemical changes, and new combinations of their vegetable elements, have converted them to the mineral condition of Coal. By the elevating force of subterranean Fires, these beds of Coal have been uplifted from beneath the waters, to a new position in the hills and mountains, where they are accessible to the industry of man. From this fourth stage in its adventures, our Coal has again been moved by the labours of the miner, assisted by the Arts and Sciences, that have co-operated to produce the Steam Engine and the Safety Lamp. Returned once more to the