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Unit 3

Note 3.7 Transition vowel /ı/

lıkkı nəw It's correct.
Kırbı hotél yət allə. Where is the near[est] hotel?

The transition vowel, indicated above by /ı/ is a weak vowel glide that serves to interrupt a sequence of consonants across word boundaries.

This vowel occurs at the point of word division whenever two words coming together produce a cluster of three consonants, or a cluster of two consonants, the first of which is an affricate: /c/, /j/, /C/.

The transition vowel is not marked in our transcription because its presence is almost completely predictable.

Pronunciation Drills

ləmma 'a proper name' malKəs 'to weep'
lıbs 'clothing' alə 'he said'
ləbbəsə 'he dressed (himself)' gıməl 'camel'
lıj 'child' bulla 'grey'
ləmın 'why' lul 'pearl'
aləbbəsə 'he dressed (someone)' šul 'sharp'
məlbəs 'to dress' Kal 'word'
məlKəm 'to pick up' Kil 'foolish'
mələmmən 'to beg'

ras 'head, chief' məttərə 'he cut into pieces' (meat)
roma 'Rome'
rat 'dinner' ırsas 'pencil'
ruK 'far' mıkır 'advice'
rəgga 'it coagulated' məsmər 'line'
aratt 'four' wəmbər 'chair'
məkəra 'calamity' məmokkər 'to try'
ırsu 'he' mənor 'to live'
bırr 'dollar' arrərə 'burned'
sərra 'he made'