Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (1908) Morshead.djvu/120

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Alas, Darius! one brief word must tell thee all the tale—
The Persian power is in the dust, gone down in blood and bale!

Ghost of Darius

Speak—by what chance? did man rebel, or pestilence descend?


Neither! by Athens' fatal shores our army met its end.

Ghost of Darius

Which of my children led our host to Athens? speak and say.


The froward Xerxes, leaving all our realm to disarray.

Ghost of Darius

Was it with army or with fleet on folly's quest he went?


With both alike, a twofold front of double armament.

Ghost of Darius

And how then did so large a host on foot pass o'er the sea?


He bridged the ford of Helle's strait by artful carpentry.