Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 3, 1892.djvu/286

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[English books published in London, French books in Paris,
unless otherwise mentioned.


Bulliot (J. B.) et Thiollier (F.). La mission et le culte de St. Martin d'après les légendes et les monuments populaires dans le pays Eduen. 8vo. vi, 482 pp. Map and 200 illustrations.

Bygone Lincolnshire. Edited by Wm. Andrews. 2 vols. 8vo. x, 247, 256 pp. Hull: Brown and Son. 1891.

(Symbol missingsymbol characters) Folk-lore articles: Mabel Peacock, Havelok the Dane. Rev. W. H. Jones, A Curious Legend. T. B. Trowsdale, Quaint Land Tenures and Customs of the Manor. Rev. W. P. Swaby, Superstitious Beliefs and Customs of Lincolnshire. Rev. J. C. Walter, The Legend of Byard's Leap. T. B. Trowsdale, The Witches of Belvoir.

Congrès international des traditions populaires. Première session (Paris, 1889). Compte rendu des séances. 8vo. 168 pp. 1891.

Coulabin (H.). Dictionnaire des locutions populaires du bon pays de Rennes en Bretagne. 16mo. xvi, 378 pp. Rennes.

Delphin (G.). Recueil de textes pour l'étude de l'Arabe parlé. 8vo. vi, 367 pp. 1S91. (Very favourably reviewed by M. R. Basset (R. T. P., vii, 3) as a most valuable contribution to the study of Arab folk-lore, as well as to the study of spoken Arabic.)

Gomme (G. L.). Ethnology in Folk-lore. 12mo. 200 pp. K. Paul and Co.

Gummere (Fr.). Germanic Origins: a Study in Primitive Culture. 8vo. viii, 490 pp. D. Nutt.

Contents: Land and People—Men and Women—The Home—Husband and Wife—The Family—Trade and Commerce—The Warrior—Social Order—Government and Law—The Funeral—The Worship of the Dead—The Worship of Nature—The Worship of Gods—Form and Ceremony.

Korth (L.). Volkstümliches aus der Erftniederung. 8vo. Bonn, 1891.

Luciani (T.). Tradizioni popolari Albonesi. Sm. 4to. iv, 103 pp. Capodistria.