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Matter referred on 21 April 2022 (conduct of Rt Hon Boris Johnson): Final Report

159. Mr Johnson replied:

When the Allegra [Stratton] video emerged on the evening of 7 December, I decided that I was getting conflicting information about what had happened at this gathering on 18 December. I was troubled by that. I had not been at the thing; I was relying on what I thought were honest and wellintentioned descriptions of this from my trusted advisers, but clearly there was a difference of opinion, so I commissioned the Cabinet Secretary to conduct an inquiry.[1]

160. Asked why, in response to the question from Catherine West on 8 December 2021 about the gathering on 13 November 2020, Mr Johnson had said that “whatever happened, the Guidance was followed and the Rules were followed at all times”, he replied that in the case of that gathering, as he was there, he knew from his personal experience that the Rules and Guidance had been complied with.[2]

161. When questioned further on why he had told the House that Guidance had been followed “at all times” in No. 10, when his Principal Private Secretary, Martin Reynolds, had raised with him before PMQs on that date whether it was realistic to argue that Guidance had been followed at all times,[3] Mr Johnson stated that Mr Reynolds’ advice had been limited to whether or not “perfect” social distancing was observed, and related only to the assurances Mr Johnson had received specifically in relation to the gathering on 18 December 2020.[4] Mr Johnson elaborated:

Martin Reynolds was cautious about what I should say in the House […] I had received assurances about the Rules on 18 December, but I had not received assurances about the Guidance. […] Martin is not saying that we did not observe the Guidance […] Martin and I […] were talking about two different things. I was talking about the totality of following the Guidance; he was talking about maintaining perfect social distancing. […] it was true to say that no one had explicitly reassured me about the Guidance. He thought it prudent to take out the reference to the Guidance.[5]

162. When we asked Mr Johnson about the assurances he cited in his opening statement and in response to questions at PMQs on 8 December 2021, he confirmed that he had not sought assurances as to Covid compliance in No. 10 from the Attorney General or any other Law Officer or government legal adviser.[6] Asked whether the Cabinet Secretary, Simon Case, or any other career senior permanent civil servant had given Mr Johnson these assurances, he replied, “I don’t remember being specifically assured by any senior civil servant about the Rules or Guidance within No. 10.” He added, “But the interesting thing is that, to the contrary, nobody gave me any contrary advice.”[7] Later being asked about Sarah Dines’ statement that she was “about 90% sure” that Mr Case had given an

  1. Q92
  2. Q97
  3. See paragraph 147 above, and Core evidence bundle materials, p61
  4. Qq96–97
  5. Qq96–97
  6. Q106
  7. Q107