Page:Fidelia, (IA fidelia00balm).pdf/86

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Miss Netley but Dorothy Hess forced it. Dorothy let Lan pass, though he spoke to her, and she let the two freshmen pass; then she hailed David by name and he took off his cap and advanced and shook hands with Dorothy in awkward formality. He was feeling that he was making something of a show of himself when Fidelia Netley spoke to him and explained to Dorothy how she had met him last night. "But it was hardly for a moment," she added.

Her way of saying this, which put far more importance on this meeting which Dorothy had arranged, pleased the plain, nervous girl who sidled to the outside of the path, leaving Dave to walk next to Fidelia; and it banished Dave's feeling that he had made a show of himself. He caught step with Fidelia Netley.

"We're giving you better weather this morning," he started, tritely.

She nodded. "Just right. I'm going to love this place. You do, particularly, of course."

"Why particularly?" Dave asked.

"You've done so wonderfully well here; and your father was here before you. You must feel it especially your college."

She said it with such warmth that Dave glowed with the feeling which she was so sure was in him. "Yes," he admitted.

"You probably never thought of leaving here after you started; but I—well, I seem to have been looking around, don't I?"

"What have you been looking for?" Dave asked quickly; and it was like last night when he said abruptly, without thinking, "You're trying us now."