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brought God into this part of the country and who built up this place by faith and prayer. My hat is off to them; they did big things and believed. This part of the country, and Evanston particularly, was just about the center of faith then. Father used to meet Frances Willard on this street when she had the Woman's Christian Temperance Union headquarters here. Father tells me with tears in his eyes how his professors, old Dr. Marcy and Robert Baird and Bonbright, used to lead in the chapel. There were religious enthusiasts running things then and they made fanatics; nearly half of father's class went into the ministry or foreign missions or some kind of religious work. But our class isn't doing it; we're going into business. That's as normal for me as going into the seminary was for father. I never wanted to be a preacher and I never came to college with that idea."

He was rehearsing, in his outburst of feeling, some of his fight with his father; and Lan realized this and kept still.

"Father keeps on saying that Alice is the reason I'm going into business, that I've given up my ideals for the sake of making money to marry her and now I've gone into debt, borrowing money, so I can marry her sooner. But that's not true. I meant to go into business long before I ever dreamed there was a girl like Alice."

After a few moments he admitted: "Of course I do want to get married."

"You've nothing on me there," Lan said and this time spoke without thinking.

"But you're going on through medical school, Lan!"