Page:Fidelia, (IA fidelia00balm).pdf/259

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shaded from the sun, where white linen and silver and crystal and soft but gay colors offered a bower of ease and pleasantness for the midday meal. Men servants—mulattos—pulled out pretty chairs with the pleasing obsequiousness and the graceful flourish of negroes; they passed noiselessly and undulatingly to and fro bearing trays displaying extravagant, iced melons and elaborately chilled creations sparkling with the glitter of ice and the bright hues of ripe fruits; they bore decorative platters of cold meats and fowl, canapés, salmis and many covered dishes and, anomalous beside the glasses and bowls heaped with crushed ice, were flaming and steaming chafing dishes presented to deliver one viand boiling hot immediately after another icy cold.

All this thrilled Fidelia; she never got used to it. The many extravagant delicacies, brought from far and near, made her think of the feasts which, in the old days, only a Roman emperor or a great pro-consul could order—"flamingo tongues, roast and chilled mushrooms, locusts in honey, fish, meat and fruits." Here, for her choice, was much more than all of those.

At her appearance, the head waiter hurried up and she said in her pleasant way: "Albert, this is my husband's father. Tell us what's especially nice to-day."

As she sat down, many people spoke to her from surrounding tables or waved to her and she replied and waved: almost everybody looked at her and those who did not were told to, by their companions.

She started to order for father Herrick the especially nice dishes which Albert recommended but Ephraim