Page:Fidelia, (IA fidelia00balm).pdf/239

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Alice asked: "How's your father, David?"

"The same," David answered, shortly.

At last Alice asked: "How is Fidelia?" And when she did it, another part of their plan—Alice's plan and his—was in his mind. It was the part of their plan which hoped that she would bear a child in their first year.

"She's—the same," said David and Alice gazed into his eyes and she left him.

Upon this afternoon, Fidelia was not in when he reached the hotel for he was considerably earlier than usual. She returned at her customary time and, opening the door of their room, she came upon David sitting in the dark by the window.

"Why, what's happened?" she cried and she switched on the light.

"Nothing," denied David. "I had a 'drive home' up this way a while ago and there was no use going back to the office." He kissed his wife and she asked no more but waited.

She began taking off her suit to dress for dinner and while he was changing his shirt, he said: "I was up beyond the Sothrons' and I walked back. I ran across Alice."

Fidelia made no comment immediately and he did not look at her. In a moment she said: "You surely stopped to speak to her, David."

"Yes. She had a good trip. I told her we were living here. She asked about business and for father and you."

Fidelia went on undressing and when she next spoke