Page:Fidelia, (IA fidelia00balm).pdf/188

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"She's awfully thin."

"Yes"; said Dave.

"She's—pale?" asked Fidelia.


"You see I've got to think about the color," Fidelia explained. "Her hair's brown, I suppose."

"Pretty gray now," said Dave.

"Come," said Fidelia and she took the lead in this.

"Something for yourself, Miss?" asked the salespeople eagerly when Fidelia halted in the dress department. She explained she was shopping for a friend who was older and she gave a size.

She selected a dress which never in the world would Dave have chosen though it had been shown him a dozen times; nor would Alice have approved it for his mother. They both would have thought it too gay; Dave would have thought, "Mother'll never wear it." But he did not think so now.

"There! Isn't this lovely for her? Think of her in it!"

Dave thought and wholeheartedly approved; he bought the dress and a few minutes later a hat to go with it.

"Now you go and get her gloves and I'll get other things. Please don't you bother about anything else," Fidelia said.

When they met below, Fidelia was satisfied. "She'll have as good garments as anybody, underneath or outside," Fidelia reported. Dave asked: "How much do I owe you?" For they had been prepaying their purchases and having the goods sent direct to Itanaca from the store.