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Appendix D

Glossary of Terms

II Stores or Shops

  1. kìm-p'oò* 金鋪
    jewerly store; syn: siu-sik p'oò*
  2. yiāng-fò p'oò* 洋貨舖
    dept store syn: paak-fò hùng-lhoò
  3. hūng-hìk p'oò* 銅鐵舖
    hardware store
  4. t'aàn-kon 餐館
  5. yì-siāng kon 衣裳館
  6. t'oì-fùng p'oò* 裁縫舖
    tailor shop
  7. kè-lhoò p'oò* 傢俬舖
    furniture store
  8. hōng-ko p'oò* 糖菓舖
    candy shop
  9. yiâk-fōng 藥房
    drug store
  10. tiu-pà 酒吧
  11. paân-chòng* 辦庒
  12. looị̄-kon 旅館
    hotel; syn: tiu-ièm
  13. sì-kûk 書局
    book store
  14. kw'à-t'oì p'oò* 瓜菜舖
    produce store

III Family Names

  1. lhìng 姓
    last name; family name
  2. Ch'īn 陳
    Chan, Chin
  3. Li 李
    Lee, Li