Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/83

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Meats Suitable for Luncbheon


Cut the tenderloin in small pieces and fry in hissing-hot fat, using as little as possible. The pieces may be dipped in flour, which has been seasoned with salt, pepper, and a little powdered sage, before frying.


Trim, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and fry in a hot spider. When done, lift out of the fat and arrange on a platter. Cut apples crosswise, without peeling, into slices, a quarter of an inch thick, and fry until tender in the pork fat. Sprinkle the apples with powdered sugar and a suspicion of spice, and arrange in a ring around the platter of chops.


Mince cold, boiled ham very fine. Mix with an equal quantity of crumbs, cold, boiled rice, or cold, mashed potato. Bind with a raw egg; shape into croquettes, dip in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper.


Buy the best. Wash carefully, drop into water that is boiling violently, and cook until white juice spurts from the skin when pricked