Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/81

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Meats Suitable for Luncheon

thin slices of buttered toast. Lay slices of hard-boiled egg or a poached egg on top of each piece of toast.


Cut cooked calf's liver into dice. Put a tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan, add salt, pepper, and paprika, and cook until the butter is dark brown, then add two tablespoonfuls of flour and enough stock made from beef extract and water to make a moderately thick sauce. Add a little chopped parsley, half a cupful of cream, two hard-boiled eggs cut fine, a tablespoonful of lemon-juice, and the liver. Cook until the liver is heated through, remove from the stove, add a wineglassful of sherry, beat hard for a moment, and serve at once on slices of buttered toast.


Mince cold, cooked veal very fine. Butter a baking-dish and put a thin layer of veal in the bottom, with a sprinkling of onion on top. Then add a layer of finely powdered bread or cracker crumbs, dot with butter and chopped parsley, then add another layer of veal, and so on until the dish is full, having crumbs and butter on top. Pour milk into the pan until