Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/64

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Everyday Luncheons

one cupful of canned tomatoes, a teaspoonful each of chopped parsley and Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste, and half a cupful of dried bread-crumbs. When the tomatoes are cooked through, add two eggs well beaten, stir until smooth, and take from the fire. Fill clam shells or ramekins with the mixture. Cover with crumbs and dots of butter and brown in the oven.


A quart of clams, chopped fine, and a cupful or more of dried bread-crumbs. Season with salt and pepper, a teaspoonful of tomato catsup and a teaspoonful of minced parsley. Bind with raw egg, or with a little very thick cream sauce. Shape into cutlets, dip in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat.


Trim off the tough necks of soft-shell clams, and fry brown with rashers of bacon. Serve with toast points.


Fry a chopped onion brown in a tablespoonful of olive-oil. Add a teaspoonful of curry powder and a tablespoonful of flour. Add two cupfuls of clams with their liquor and cook five minutes.