Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/30

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Everyday Luncheons

clams with their liquor. Let boil up once and serve with crackers. The minced clams which come in small cans are very good in this soup.


Have ready one cupful of celery cut fine, boil until tender, and rub through a sieve. Reduce the water in which the celery was boiled to half a cupful, by rapid boiling, and set aside. Put into a saucepan one tablespoonful of butter, season with salt and pepper, and when the butter is hissing hot, stir into it two tablespoonfuls of flour. Stir until the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Add three cupfuls of cold milk, and stir constantly until it boils. When the mixture is as thick as a very thin cream sauce, add the celery pulp and the half cup of liquid. Mix thoroughly, boil up once, and serve.


Use one cupful of cold, boiled rice and proceed as above. Season with celery salt or curry powder.


Use one cupful of cooked squash, rub through a sieve and follow directions given for cream of celery.