Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/249

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon

sheet very thin. On one spread a thick layer of chopped figs, dates, marmalade or jam, lay the other sheet upon it, and press them together by rolling slightly with the rolling-pin. Cut into small squares and bake quickly.


One half cupful of butter, one and one half cupfuls of sugar, the yolks of two eggs, well beaten, one cupful of milk, one teaspoonful of vanilla, two cupfuls of pastry flour, sifted with three level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, and the whites of the two eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Mix in the order given and bake in patty-pans or in three layers. Put together with any preferred filling.


Make a plain cake according to the recipe given above, omitting the yolks of the eggs. Bake in a round, deep tin. When cold cut off a slice half an inch thick from the top of the cake, keeping it whole, then scoop out the centre of the cake, leaving a shell about an inch thick. Make a boiled custard, and when cold add a few nuts and raisins and enough of the cake crumbs to thicken. Fill the cake shell with this mixture, put on the cover, and ice the cake with colored icing, or pour over whipped cream or boiled custard.