Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/245

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon


Prepare the dough according to directions given for baking-powder biscuits in a previous chapter. Cut into two round cakes the size of a pie tin, spread one with soft butter and put the other on top of it. Bake in a moderate oven. When done, tear the layers apart, spread with soft butter and put together with crushed and sweetened strawberries in between. Pour over the cake more crushed and sweetened strawberries, with their juice, and serve hot.


Soak large, fine prunes in sherry over night, drain, remove the stones, stuff with cut marshmallows and broken English walnut meats, and roll in powdered sugar.


One pound of powdered sugar, one pound of chopped hickory nuts, the whites of five unbeaten eggs, half a cupful of flour, and one teaspoonful of baking-powder. Drop on buttered paper and bake in a slow oven.


Slice the bananas, sprinkle with sugar and lemon-juice, and prepare according to directions given for strawberry shortcake. Serve with whipped cream.