Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/243

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon


Boil together one half cupful of butter and one cupful of water. Stir in one cupful of flour, take from the fire, cool, and add three unbeaten eggs, one at a time. Beat until thoroughly mixed and drop by spoonfuls far apart on buttered tins. Bake from twenty to thirty minutes in a quick oven. Make a filling of three cupfuls of milk, two eggs well beaten, half a cupful of sugar, and two tablespoonfuls of corn starch dissolved in a little water. Cook in a double boiler until thick, take from the fire and flavor to taste. Slit the puffs and fill with the cold custard.


Wash two cupfuls of rice and soak it in water for half an hour, then turn off the water and mix the rice with a cupful of stoned raisins cut in halves. Add a pinch of salt and tie the whole in a cloth, leaving room for the rice to double in bulk. Boil two hours in plenty of water and serve with wine or with spice sauce.


One third of a cupful of lemon-juice, two thirds of a cupful of orange-juice, and one cupful of cold water. Boil, add three tablespoonfuls