Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/240

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Everyday Luncheons

cups which have been rinsed in cold water, and set away to cool. Before serving, turn out, scoop a teaspoonful of pudding from the top of each, and fill the cavities with jam.


Make a custard with one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, and a cupful of milk. Butter a pudding-dish, put a layer of jam at the bottom, then slices of buttered bread, then a layer of thinly cut citron, and some raisins. Pour the custard over and bake.


Mix well one fourth of a pound of powdered sugar and one fourth of a pound of butter, add one fourth of a pound of grated chocolate and the yolks of five eggs. Cook five minutes, then remove from the fire and let cool. When cold, fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Butter six custard cups, and sprinkle the insides with sugar. Fill with the pudding and bake in a pan of hot water in a moderate oven. It will take about thirty minutes.


Put one glass of jelly or jam into a bowl with the whites of two eggs, and beat them well.