Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/232

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Everyday Luncheons

coarse muslin wet in cold water. In the centre place an apricot, or a canned peach, a few canned cherries, drained of their juice, a canned pear, plum, or any suitable fruit. Tie the cloth carefully, covering the fruit with the rice. Steam ten minutes, then remove the cloths and serve with a syrup flavored with the juice of the canned fruit used.


Mould boiled rice in a border mould, turn out on a stone platter, dot with butter, sprinkle with sugar, and put in the oven until brown. Fill the centre with canned peaches, or apricots, or pears, drained of their juice, pile whipped cream over the top, sprinkle with chopped nuts, and serve.


Scald a quart of milk, and add to it half a package of gelatine which has been soaked and dissolved by gentle heat. Beat the yolks of three eggs very light with a cupful of sugar, and stir carefully into the hot milk. Cook very slowly until the mixture coats the spoon, remove from the fire, flavor with lemon or vanilla, strain into a mould which has been wet in cold water, and set aside to harden.