Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/221

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon


One quart of milk, one pint of bread-crumbs, two eggs well beaten, a pinch of salt, and one tablespoonful of butter. Bake about twenty minutes. Nuts or raisins are agreeable additions to this pudding. After it is baked, jam or jelly may be spread over the top and then a meringue made of the whites of two eggs beaten stiff with a little powdered sugar. Bake until the meringue is brown.


Six eggs, half a cupful of sugar, and one quart of new milk. Beat the eggs with the sugar and add a teaspoonful of vanilla. Mix carefully with the milk, fill the custard cups, and set into a pan of hot water in a slow oven. Anything which has eggs and milk in combination must be cooked at a low temperature. When the handle of a spoon or the blade of a knife comes out clean from the custard, it is done. Set aside to cool. A little nutmeg is often grated over the top of these cup custards, just as they come from the oven. They are served in the cups in which they are baked.


Use the fresh cocoanut if possible. If not, soak a package of dessicated cocoanut for ten