Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/219

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon

sugar. Make a batter of three cupfuls of milk, three ounces of flour and four eggs, well beaten. Pour over the apples and bake until the fruit is done. Serve with any preferred pudding sauce.


Make a paste of four tablespoonfuls of corn starch, wet with a little cold water. Stir it into a quart of milk, with four tablespoonfuls of sugar, and boil until thick. Flavor with a drop or two of bitter almond, and stir in one cupful of blanched and shredded almonds. Mould, chill, and serve with cream.


One cupful of sugar, one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of baking-powder, three eggs well beaten, and cold water enough to make a batter, probably about one fourth of a cupful. Mix, and stir in three bananas, peeled and sliced thin. Half fill buttered custard cups, steam one hour, and serve with lemon sauce.


In a quart pudding-dish arrange alternate layers of sliced apples and bread-crumbs. Season each layer with butter, sugar, nutmeg,