Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/173

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One Hundred Sandwich Fillings

76. Same as seventy-five, with chopped olives or pickles added.

77. Cold, fried oysters chopped fine, lettuce leaves, and French dressing.

78. Equal parts of banana pulp and crushed red raspberries, mashed with sugar, and made into a paste with cream.

79. Grated cocoanut, chopped nuts, sugar, and lemon-juice.

80. Orange marmalade and English walnut meats.

81. Preserved ginger and candied orange-peel chopped fine.

82. Maraschino cherries and nut meats chopped fine.

83. Cottage cheese and jam or marmalade.

84. Cream cheese and bar le duc mixed to a paste.

85. Hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine, and seasoned with anchovy paste.

86. Chopped figs and chopped peanuts, seasoned with lemon-juice.

87. Chopped English walnuts mixed with quince-jelly.

88. Cabbage, finely chopped, and mixed with salad dressing.

89. Thinly sliced bananas spread with mayonnaise.

90. The tender tops of celery, minced fine, and mixed with mayonnaise.