Page:Essays on the Higher Education.djvu/161

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Outlines of Physiological Psychology.

A Text-book of Mental Science for Academies and Colleges. By GEORGE TRUMBULL LADD, Professor of Philosophy in Yale University. Crown 8vo, $2.00.

The volume is not an abridgment or revision of the larger book, Elements of Physiological Psychology, which is still to be preferred for mature students, but, like it, surveys the entire field, though with less details and references that might embarrass beginners. Briefer discussions of the nervous mechanism, and of the nature of the mind as related to the body, will be found in the "Outlines"; while the treatment of relations existing between excited organs and mental phenomena offers much new material, especially on "Consciousness," "Memory," and "Will."

Later chapters, considering mind and body as dependent upon differences of age, sex, race, etc., and giving conclusions as to the nature of the mind and as to its connection with the bodily organism, reward the student who masters this book.

The author aims to furnish a complete yet correct text-book for the brief study of mental phenomena from the experimental and physiological point of view. Both pupil and teacher have been considered, that the book may be readily learned and successfully taught.

"I think it an honor to American science and scholarship that the best English books on physiological psychology should come from an American university."—J. McK. Cattell, University of Pennsylvania.

"As an introduction to the study of physiological psychology it is absolutely without a rival."—H. H. Gardiner, Smith College.

"For its purpose there is not a better text-book in the language."—The Nation.

"The account he gives is a succinct and clear digest of the subject, and the illustrations leave nothing to be desired."—The British Medical Journal.

"An important contribution to the experimental and physiological study of mental phenomena."—Glasgow Herald.

'Professor Ladd, in giving to the world his 'Outlines of Physiological Psychology,' has reared a monument that marks a decided advance in the American literature of physiological philosophy. It will be a standard work."—Boston Times.

"For lucidity of statement and comprehensiveness of treatment within moderate limits, Professor Ladd's 'Outlines' is, we believe, unsurpassed."—Educational Journal of Canada.