Page:Essays On The Gita - Ghose - 1922.djvu/324

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for therecoil from the lower nature, for it is really the fear and disgust of our own ego which reflects itself in the world. But to see. God in the world is to fear nothing, it is to embrace all in the being of God ; to see all as the Divine is to hate and loathe nothing, but love God in the world and the world in God.

But at least the things of the lower nature will be shunned and feared,the things which the Yogin has taken so much trouble to surmount? Not this either; all is embBraced in the equality of the self-vision. “He, O Arjuna, who sees with equality everything in the image of the self whether it be grief or it be happiness, him I hold to be the supreme Yogin.” And by this it is not meant at all that he himself shall fall from the griefless spiritual bliss and feel again worldly unhappiness, even in the sorrow of others, but seeing in others the play of the dualities which he himself has left and surmounted, he shall still see all as himself, his self in all, God in all and, not disturbed or bewildered by the appearances of these things, moved only by them to help and heal, to occupy himself with the good of all beings, to lead men to the spiritual bliss, to work for the progress of the world Godwards, he shall live the divine life, so long as days upon earth are his portion. The God- lover who can do this, can thus embrace all things in God, can look calmly on the lower nature and the works of the Maya of the three gunas and act in them and upon them without perturbation or fall or distur- bance fromn the height and power of the spiritual oneness, free in the largeness of the God-viston, sweet and great and luminous in the strength of the God-nature, may well be declared to be the supreme Yogin. He indeed has conquered the creation, Jitah sargah.