Page:Essays On The Gita - Ghose - 1922.djvu/248

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the end Nature which mechanically determines its own action ; it is the will of the Supreme which inspires her; he who has already slain the Dhritarashtrians, he of whom Arjuna is only the human instrument, a univer- sal Soul, a transcendent Godhead is the master of her labour. The reposing of works in the Impersonal is a means of getting rid of the personal egoism of the doer, but the end is to give up all pur actions to that great Lord of all, sarva-bhita-maheshwara. “ With a con- sciousness identified with the Self, renouncing all thy ac- tions into Me, may: savvdni karmdni sannyasyddhydtma- chetasd, freed from personal hopes and desires, from the thought of “I"" and ‘ mine”, delivered from the fever of the soul, fight”, work, do my will in the world. The Divine motives, inspires, determines the entire action ; the human soul impersonal in the. Brahman is the pure and silent channel of his power ; that power in the Nature executes the divine movement. Such only are the works of the liberated soul, muktasya karma, for in nothing does he act from a personal inception ; such are the actions of the accomplished Karmayogin. They rise from a free spirit and disappear without modifying it, like waves that rise and disappear on the surface of conscious, immutable depths. Gata-sangasya muktasya jndnd- vasthita-chetasah, yajndydchavatah karma samagram praviliyate. ’