Page:Essay on the government of dependencies.djvu/23

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unable to enforce. Such are, for example, over severe penal laws, vexatious revenue laws, usury laws, laws prohibiting the export of coin, laws regulating prices and wages.[1]

It is also to be observed, that there are acts possible to some sovereign governments which are not possible to others. Since the power of a sovereign government is limited to the united forces of the persons forming the community which it governs, it is natural that many things should be within the power of the government of a large and rich nation which are not within the power of the government of a small and poor nation. Again, the progress of civilization increases the power of governments, as well as of persons, or bodies of persons, in a private capacity. Thus many a small and feeble state could now produce results which would have surpassed the powers of the most mighty nations of antiquity?

Blackstone, in describing the powers of the British Parliament (which is the sovereign government of the British Empire), says, that "it can do every

  1. "Dans l'ordre politique, c'est toujours la partie la plus foible qui gouverne la'partie la plus forte; et la force de celui qui commande, ne consiste réellement que dans les forces réunies de œux qui lui obéissent." Le Mercier de la Riviere, ubi sup. ch. 6. (torn, i. p. 69.) " La force commune ou sociale, qu'on nomme force publique, ne se forme que par une réunion de plusieurs forces physiques ce qui suppose toujours et nécessairement une reunion de volontcs, qui ne pent avoir lieu qu'après la reunion des opinions, quelles qu'elles soient. Ce seroit done renverscr l'ordre, et prendre l'effet pour la cause, que de vouloir donner ei la force publique, le pouvoir de dominer les opinions, tandis que c'est de la reunion des opinions qu'elle tient son existence et son pouvoir." lb. c. 8. (torn. i. p. 94.)