Page:England & Russia in Central Asia,Vol-I.djvu/102

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82 ENGLAND AND EUSSIA IN CENTRAL AS FA. carried on between Central Asia and Russia, althougli there has of course been a considerable development in the export of Russian goods into the khanates and Central Asia generally. When the railway which is at present in working order as far as Orenburg, and which is sanctioned as far as Orsk, has been continued up to Kazala, near the mouth of the Syr Darya, there will, in all probability, be a larger mutual trade be- tween Russia and her Asiatic dependencies than there is at present. But as things are, Russia, despite the energy of her merchants — who are in many ways her most creditable representatives in Central Asia — does not possess an extensive trade in Turkestan. Such as it is, too, it is one-sided ; for the Imperial Government derives no benefit from the latent re- sources of territory that should be most productive, and no assistance from races who are famed for their ingenuity and talent. We have only to consider, in conclusion, what the effect of Russia's mode of government in Asia is upon the relations between herself and the subject races. Mr. Schuyler is evidently of opinion that the races will speedily assimilate, and that the rule of Russia, which is at present tolerated, will before long become popular. The great recommendation, in the eyes of a semi-civilised people such as those of Turkestan, that belongs to the Russian system of administration is that it leaves them mostly to their own devices. There is no fussiness ; and the virtue of this want of public spirit — for such it actually is — is in no instance more clearly demonstrated than in the matter of religion.