Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 25.djvu/485

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WILLS, William John, Australian ex plorer, in. 1 06.

WILLUGHBY, Francis, English natural ist, XXiv. 589; on birds, XVIII. 4; on ichthyology, XI I. 631.

WILMINGTON, town, Delaware, U.S.A., xxiv. 589.

, town, North Carolina, U.S.A.,

xxiv. 589.

WILMOT, John, earl of Rochester, Eng lish poet, xx. 614.

PROVISO, in United States history,

xxin. 768.

WILNO, or Yilna, government, Russia, xxiv. 233; town, xxiv. 234.

WILSON, Alexander, Scottish-American naturalist, xxiv. 590; on American ornithology, xvili. 16. , Dr Alexander, on sun-spots, II. 785.

, Allan R,, improver of sewing machine, xxi. 719.

, Florence (Volusenus), Scottish humanist, xxiv. 296; xxi. 541. , Henry, vice-president of the United States, xxiv. 590.

, Horace Hayman, English Orien talist, xxiv. 590. , James, American judge, xxin.


, James, Scottish naturalist, XXIV. 591; on ornithology, XVlil. 13. , John, Scottish man of letters, xxiv. 591.

, John, of Ainsworth, his improve ments in cotton manufacture, VI. 489. , Richard, English painter, XXIV. 593; xxi. 441, 444. , William, Scottish Seceder, XXIII.


WILSON S PEAK, Rocky Mountains, U.S.A., xxin. 796.

WILSON S PROMONTORY, Victoria, Aus tralia, xxiv. 215.

WILTON, town, England, xxiv. 595.

CARPETS, v. 130.

WILTS, county, England, xxiv. 593. WIMBLE, mining implement, xvi. 443. WIMBLEDON, town, Surrey, xxiv. 595. COMMON, near London, XIV. 824;

rifle meetings on, xxiv. 295. WIMBORNE MINSTER, town, England,

xxiv. 595; vn. 372. WINCEBY, England, Battle of (1643),

vi. 599. WlNCHCOMBE, John (Jack of Newbury),

English weaver, xvn. 375. WlNCHELSEA, town, England, xxi I.

724. WINCHESTER, town, England, xxiv.

596; architecture of cathedral, II. 426,

428; cryptof cathedral, vi. 668; Saxon

standards of measure kept at, XXIV.

483- , town, Virginia, U.S.A., xxiv.


COLLEGE, England, xxiv. 586, 596.

WINCHESTER OBSERVATORY, at Yale College, Connecticut, U.S.A., xvn.


WINCKELMANN, Johami Joachim, Ger man archaeologist, XXIV. 597; II. 344; X. 535; on plastic beauty, I. 219; his system of mnemonics, XVI. 533.

WIND, WINDS, XVI. 143, 154, 180; re lation of, to climate, vi. 6; force of, xvi. 124; geological action of, x. 265; Buys-Ballot s law of the winds, ill. 29; measurer of force of, II. 24; in navi gation, XVII. 275; Kant on theories of, XIII. 847.

WIND-CARRIAGE, Invention of, by Stevinus, XXII. 545.

WIND DOGS, in meteorology, XI. 399.

WlNDERMERE, Lake, England, XIV. 252; xxiv. 513.

WlNDHAM, Sir William, Bolingbroke s letter to, IV. 6. , William, English politician, xxiv.


WINDHOVER, bird, xiv. 53.

WINDING MACHINERY, in mines, xvi. 456.

WINDLASS, iv. 621 ; differential, xv. 763; Spanish, xxi. 591.

WINDMILL, xxiv. 599; xv. 773.

WINDOWS, in building, IV. 493, 496; glass for, x. 660; stained, manu facture of, x. 668 ; tracery on, IV. 475; ventilation by, XXiv. 160.

WINDPIPE, or Trachea, xx. 475 ; of mammals, XV. 365.

WlNDRUSH, river, England, XVIII. 93;

XXIII. 220.

WINDSOR, town, England, xxiv. 600; libraries, xiv. 545; tapestry manufac ture, xxin. 213.

, town, Ontario, Canada, vil. 133. , town, Nova Scotia, xvi I. 603.

CASTLE, England, xxiv. 60 1 ; organ of St George s Chapel at, xvil. 835, 837.

FOREST, Pope s poem, xix. 484. WINDWARD ISLANDS, West Indies,

xxiv. 510; in. 749.

WINE, xxiv. 601; adulterations of, I. 173 ; fermentation of, IX; 92, 97 ; Canary, iv. 797 ; Catawba, v. 219; production in Europe, vill. 691; pro duction in Italy, xin. 451 ; of Madeira, XV. 178; the industry in Spain, xxi I. 299 ; of Wiirteniberg, XXIV. 700 ; sacramental, xxi. 134; xxm. 159.

- TONNERS, English trading com pany, I. 173.

WlNFRlD (St Boniface), apostle of Ger many, iv. 33; x. 478; as papal legate, xix. 494.

W T INGS, of birds, in. 720; IX. 308; of Chiroptera, xv. 405; of insects, xin. 144; ix. 310.

WINILIS, Scandinavian tribe, XIV. 813.

WlNKELRIED, Arnold von, Legend of, xxiv. 612.

WINKLER, friend of Leasing, XIV. 480.

WINNEBAGOES, American-Indian tribe,

xii. 832. WlNNECKE, Friedrich August Theodor,

astronomer, xvm. 248; his comet, vi.

192. WINNEMUCCA, Lake, Nevada, U.S.A.,

XVIL 367. WINNIPEG, town, Manitoba, Canada,

xxiv. 613; xv. 491; xx. 315. WINNOWING MACHINES, i. 326. WlNONA, town, Minnesota, U.S.A.,

XXIV. 613. WlNSLOW, Edward, Mayflower pilgrim,

xxiv. 613. , Jaccjues, anatomist, I. 814.

WINTER, Peter, German dramatic com poser, xxiv. 614.

WINTERBERG, plateau, Westphalia, Germany, xxiv. 516.

WINTER-BERRY, tree, n. 320.

WlNTERTHUR, town, Switzerland, xxiv. 614; its relations with Zurich, xxiv. 831.

WlNTHER, Christian, Danish writer, vn. 92.

WlNTHROP, John (1587-1649), Puritan, governor of Massachusetts, U.S.A., XXIV. 614; IV. 72.

, John (1606-1676), Puritan, gover nor of Connecticut, U.S.A., xxiv. 614.

, Theodore, American writer, I.


WlNTON, or Wyntoun, Andrew, Scot tish writer, XXIV. 712; his Cronykil, ill. 364; XXI. 540.

WINYAW BAY, South Carolina, U.S.A., xxii. 287.

WINZET, Ninian, Scottish controver sialist, xxi. 542.

WIRE, xxiv. 614; elasticity of, vn. 800, 803, 817; fences of, I. 310; table of strength of, xvi. 65; telegraphic, xxm. 114; telephonic, xxin. 132.

WIRE-DRAWING, Brass, iv. 217. , of steam, xxn. 487.

WIRE FENCES, i. 310.

WIRE NAILS, xvn. 166.

WIRE-NETTING, xvn. 360.

WIRE-ROPE, xx. 846.

WIRE-WORM, insect larva, vi. 132; as wheat pest, xxiv. 536.

WIRZBERG (Wiirzburg), town, Bavaria, xxiv. 704; xiv. 547.

WlSBECH, or Wisbeach, town, England, xxiv. 615.

WISBY, town, Gotland, Sweden, xxiv. 616. SEA LAWS, xxi. 585.

WISCONSIN, State, U.S.A., xxiv. 616.

WISDOM, or Hokmah, in Hebrew litera ture, XL 599; xui. 420, 702; xix. 872.

, or cppoi/wis, in ancient ethics, vui. 574; in Socratic philosophy, xxn. 237; xix. 195.

OF GOD, Ray s work, XX. 301.