Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/420

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402 land, Rezbanya, Ekaterinburg ; also Krisuvig in Iceland (Krisuvig ite). 335. LANGITE, Cu S + 3CuH 2 + 2H 2 . Eight prismatic. ooP 123 44 . Crystals long-tabular, mostly in twins. Also in fibro-lamellar and concretionary crusts, with earthy surface. Cl. basal and brachydiagonal. H. =2 5; G. =3 5. Vitreous. Greenish blue. C.c.: 65 1 copper protoxide, 16 4 sul phuric acid, and 18 - 5 water. Cornwall. IVarringtonite is similar; also Konigine from Siberia. 336. JOHANNITE (Uran-vitriol). Oblique prismatic, C 85 40 . ooP 69. Crystals similar to trona (No. 291, fig. 383), but minute ; arranged in concretionary and renif orm masses. H. = 2 to 2 - 5 ; G. = 3 1 9. Semitransparent ; vitreous. Soluble. Taste bitter. Bright grass-green. C.c. : oxides of uranium 6772, oxide of copper 5 "99, sulphuric acid 20 02, water 5 59. Joachimsthal (Bohemia), Johann-Georgenstadt. 337. BLODITE (Astrakanite), (MgXa 2 )S + 2K, . Oblique prismatic, C 100 43 . o>P2 112 55 ; ooP (i), ooP c oo (b), ooP2(?i), ooPoo (a), -P(^), P c < (d), OP (c) (fig. 403). In prismatic crystals, or efflorescent. H. =3 5; G. = 2 2. Transparent. White or red. C.c. : 47 9 sulphuric acid, 8 5 soda, 12 magnesia, and 2T5 water. Salt lakes on the Volga near Astrakhan, Ischl, Stassfurt, and near Mendoza in South America. Rcussine from Seidlitz is similar, but a mixture. 338. LowEiTE,2(Na 2 S +Mg S) + 5H 2 . Pyramidal, but only compact. Cl. basal, distinct ; also octahedral, with angles 110 44 and 105 2 . H. =2 5 to 3; G.=2 376. Vitreous. Yellow- Fig. 403 (sp. 337). ish white to flesh-red. C.c.: 20 soda, 13 magnesia, 52 sulphuric acid, and 15 water. Ischl. 339. SYNGENITE, K 2 S + Ca S + H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 76. cP 73 ooP c oo (b), OP (c), ooP (p), ooP2 (/ ), <xP3 (p "), 2P2 (e ), P (o ), 2P (o"), P c oo (2)-Poo (r), Poo (r ), 2Poo (r"), -|Poo ((,). Cl. oo P, perfect; fracture eonchoidal. H. =2 "5; G. =2 25. Colour less to milk-white. C.c.: lime 16 88, potash 28 55, sulphuric acid 48 - 45, water 5 47. Soluble in 400 parts of water. In cavities in halite at Kalusz (Galicia). 340. POLYHALITE, 2Ca S + MgS-f K 2 S IJ- + 2H 2 . Right prismatic. ooP 115. Mostly fibrous. H. =3-5; G. =27 to 2 8. Translucent; resinous. Colourless, gene rally brick-red. C.c. : sulphate of lime Fi S- 404 ( S P- 339). 45, of magnesia 20 5, of potash 29, water 5 5. Ischl, Aussee, and Berchtesgaden. Crystals ooPoo (a), 341. ALUM, RS + (Al 2 Fe 2 )S 3 . Cubic. 0, sometimes with ooQoo and Occ. Generally efflorescent in fibrous crusts. Cl. octahedral; fracture eonchoidal. H. =2 to 2 - 5 ; G. = 1 75 to 1 9. Translucent. White. Taste sweetish-astrin gent. Soluble. B. B. evolves sulphurous fumes, (a) Potash Alum: RO = K.,0; 337 sulphuric acid, 10 9 alumina, 9 "9 potash, and 45 5 water. In the coal formation at Hurlet and Campsie in Scotland ; the Tertiary brown coals of Hesse and the Rhine ; the Lias near Whitby ; Silurian alum slates of Scotland, Norway, and Sweden ; the volcanic formations of the Lipari Islands, Sicily, and the Azores. (b) Ammonia Alum: RO = (NH 4 0) 2 ; about 4 per cent, oxide of ammonium and 48 water. In closed tube forms a sublimate of sul phate of ammonia. Tschermig in Bohemia. (c) Soda Alum: RO = Na 2 0; with 7 of soda and 48 water. Mendoza in South America, Solfatara near Naples, and Milo. (d) Magnesia Alum : RO = MgO. Translucent and silky. South Africa, Iquique in Peru (Pickeringite). (c) Iron Alum (Feather Alum) : RO = FeO. Hurlet near Paisley, Mbrsfeld in Bavaria, Krisuvig in Iceland. (/) Man- ijancse Alum: RO = MnO. From Delagoa Bay in South. Africa. An alum with 37 oxide of zinc occurs at Felsobanya, and has been termed Dietrichite. 342. VULTAITE, 3(Fe, k 2 )S +2(Fe 2 Al 2 ) Cubic. ; ooO ; 0=c . Black, brown, or green. H. =3; G. = 279. Solfatara near Naples, Goslar in the Harz, and Krem- nitz. 343. ALUNITE, K 2 S + 3ALS + 6H,,. Rhombohedral ; R 89 10 . Crystals R and OR (fig. 405) ; also earthy. Cl. basal. H. = 3 "5 to 4 ; G. = 2 "6 to 2 -8. Translucent ; vitre ous, pearly on 0. Colourless, but often stained. Hungary, Tolfa (near Civita Vecchia), Lipari Islands, Auvergne, and Milo. 344. JAROSITE, K 2 S + Fe 2 3S+ / /K > 2(Fe 2 3H 2 ). Rhombohedral ; R 88 58 . Cl. basal ; also fibrous in nodules or incrusting. H. = 2 5 to 3 5; G. Spain, Saxony, and Mexico. 345. GELBEISENERZ, K 2 S + 4Fe 2 S +9H 2 . Foliated and massive. H. = 2 -5 to 3 ; G. = 2 7 to 2 9. Bohemia, Norway, and Tcheleken Island in the Caspian Sea. Fig. 405 (sp. 343). 3 24. Colour ochre-yellow. 346. URUSITE, Tcheleken Island in the Caspian. 347. BOTRYOGENE (Red Vitriol), Fe 3 S 2 + 3( Fe 2 2S) + 36H;,. Oblique prismatic, C 62 26 . ooPH9 56 . Commonly botry- oidal. H. =2 to 2 5 ; G. =2. Translucent; vitreous. Hyacinth- red and orange-yellow. Falun in Sweden. 348. HERREXGRUXDITE. Oblique prismatic, C 88 50 . Dark emerald-green crystals. H.=2 5; G. =313. C.c.: 57 22 oxide of copper, 23 04 sulphuric oxide, 19 "44 water, sometimes with lime. Herrengrund (Hungary). 349. LINARITE, (Pb S + H 2 Pb) + (CuS +H 2 Cu). Oblique prismatic, C 77 22 . ooP (M) 61 41 ; 2Po, () 52 31 . Crystals ooPoo (a), OP (c), and the above forms generally. Hemi- tropes united by o>Poo (a). Cl. orthodiagonal, perfect ; fracture

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J- ^^ i 11 7! m M t ^i ^- <z A^ ?~^ Fig. 406. eonchoidal. H. = 2 5 to 3; G. =5 2 to 5 45. Translucent ; adamant ine. Azure-blue to dark blue; streak pale blue. C.c.: oxide of lead 55 69, oxide of copper 19 83, sulphuric acid 19 98, water 4 5. Leadhills, Red Gill and Roughtou Gil] (Cumberland), Linares in Spain, and Nertchiusk. 350. CALEDOXITE, 5PbS + 2(H 2 Pb) + 3(H 2 Cu). Right prismatic. ooP (m) 95;f j oo (e) 70 57 ; 2P (a-) 36 Crystals frequently as in fig. 407, but gene rally hemihedral. Cl. brachydiagonal, a dis tinct ; m, c imperfect. H. = 2 5 to 3 ; G. = 6 4. Transparent; resinous. Verdigris-green and mountain-green; streak greenish white. C.c.: 68 42 oxide of lead, 10 17 oxide of copper, 17 3 sulphuric acid, 4 05 water. Leadhills, Red Gill in Cumberland, Rezbanya in Tran sylvania. 351. LETTSOMITE, 3Cu 3 S + 2(A1 2 3H 2 ) + 15H 2 . Right prismatic; but in tufts of capillary crystals with velvet-like appearance. Colour smalt-blue to sky-blue. C.c.: 49 oxide of copper, 2 97 lime, 11 21 alumina, 1 41 oxide of iron, 12 1 sulphuric acid, 22 5 water. Moldawa in the Banat. Woodivarditc is probably an aluminous variety of the above. Turquoise-blue to greenish blue. Cornwall. 352. KAINITE, Mg S + KC1 + 3H 2 . Oblique prismatic, C 85 5 (fig. 408). G. =2-13. Cl. ortlio- Fig . 408 ( sp . 352). diagonal. White to reddish. C.c. : 16 1 magnesia, 157 potash, 32 2 sulphuric acid, 14 3 chlorine, 21 7 water. Stassfurt.

Fig. 407 (sp. 350).