Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/124

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members of the solar system moving in closed orbits. The same is by inference highly probable for most of the other meteoroids, and may be true of all of them. Permanent members of the solar system, however, if they ever fall into the sun, do so only after a long period of perturbation. If any meteoroids come from stellar spaces and have any uniform or random distribution of velocities or directions, only a very small portion of these would hit the sun's surface. The far greater portion would go on in hyperbolic orbits. But the earth receives the impact of its portion of these foreign meteoroids, both in their inward and outward course, and in addition encounters a full share of the permanent members of the solar system, of which the sun receives very few or none. It is not hard to show that a supply of meteoroids to the sun sufficient to make good its daily loss of heat would require that the twenty million meteoroids which the earth daily encounters, even if all were from stellar space, should have an average weight of hundreds of tons. The facts do not warrant the admission of any such magnitude even for the large meteors, much less for the ordinary and small shooting stars. Whatever be the source of the sun's heat, all the meteoroids of which we know anything are totally inadequate to supply the waste.

The literature of meteors and meteoroids is very much scattered. It is mainly contained in the scientific journals and in transactions of learned societies. The series of valuable Reports of the Luminous Meteor Committee of the British Association contains not only the record of an immense amount of original observations, but also year by year a digest of most of the important memoirs.

Meteoric science is a structure built stone by stone by many builders. In this article no attempt has been made to assign to each builder the credit for his contribution. (h. a. n.)

METEORA, a remarkable group of rock-built monasteries in Thessaly, in the northern side of the valley of the Peneus, not quite 20 miles north-east of Triccala, and in the immediate vicinity of the village of Kalabaka, Stagus, or Stagoi (the ancient Æginium). From the Cambunian chain two vast masses of rock are thrust southward into the plain, surmounted by a number of huge isolated columns from 85 to 300 feet high, “some like gigantic tusks, some like sugar-loaves, and some like vast stalagmites,” but all consisting of iron-grey or reddish-brown conglomerate of gneiss, mica-slate, syenite, and greenstone. On the summit of these rocky pinnacles—accessible only by aid of rope and basket let down from the top, or in some cases by a series of almost perpendicular ladders climbing the cliff to the mouth of a tunnelstand the monasteries of Meteora (τὰ Μετέωρα). At one time they were twenty-four in number; but Holland (1812) and Hughes (1814) found them reduced to ten; at Curzon's visit (1834) there were only seven; and in 1853 not more than four of these were inhabited by more than two or three monks. Meteora par excellence is the largest and perhaps the most ancient. The present building was erected, according to Leake's reading of the local inscription, in 1388 (Björnståhl, the Swedish traveller, had given 1371), and the church is one of the largest and handsomest in Greece. St Barlaam's and St Stephen's (the latter founded by the emperor John Cantacuzene) are next in importance. The decorations of the churches contain a large amount of material for the history of Byzantine art, not much inferior in value to the similar treasures at Athos.

Unless the identification with the Ithome of Homer be a sound one, there is no direct mention of the rocks of Meteora in ancient literature, and Professor Kriegk suggests that this may simply be due to the fact that they had not then taken on their present remarkable form. Æginium, however, is described by Livy as a strong place, and is frequently mentioned during the Roman wars; and Stagus appears from time to time in Byzantine writers.




METEOROLOGY, in its original and etymological sense, included within its scope all appearances of the sky, astronomical as well as atmospherical, but the term is now restricted to the description and explanation of the phenomena of the atmosphere which may be conveniently grouped under weather and climate. These phenomena relate to the action of the forces on which the variations of pressure, temperature, humidity, and electricity of the atmosphere depend, but in an especial sense to the aerial movements which necessarily result from these variations.

In the more exact development of meteorology, the scientific investigation of climate long preceded that of weather. Humboldt's work on Isothermal Lines, published in 1817, must be regarded as the first great contribution to meteorological science. The importance of this inquiry into the distribution of terrestrial temperature it is scarcely possible to overestimate, for, though the isothermals were necessarily to a considerable extent hypothetical, there cannot be a doubt that they presented a first sketch of the principal climates of the globe. Dove continued and extended the investigation, and in his great work On the Distribution of Heat on the Surface of the Globe, published in 1852, gave charts showing the mean temperature of the world for each month and for the year, together with charts of abnormal temperature. To this, more than to any other work, belongs the merit of having popularized the science of meteorology in the best sense, by enlisting in its service troops of observers in all parts of the civilized world.

In 1868 another series of important charts were published representing by isobaric lines the distribution of the mass of the earth's atmosphere, and by arrows the prevailing winds over the globe for the months and the year. By these charts the movements of the atmosphere and the immediate causes of these movements were for the first time approximately stated, and some knowledge was thereby attained of some of the more difficult problems of meteorology. It was shown that the prevailing winds are the simple result of the relative distribution of the mass of the earth's atmosphere, in other words, of the relative distribution of its pressure, the direction and force of the prevailing winds being simply the flow of the air from a region of higher towards a region of lower pressure, or from where there is a surplus to where there is a deficiency of air. It is on this broad and vital principle that meteorology rests, which is found to be of universal application throughout the science, in explanation, not only of prevailing winds, but of all winds, and of weather and weather changes generally. One of the more important uses of the principle is in its furnishing the key to the climates of the different regions of the earth; for climate is practically determined by the temperature and moisture of the air, and these in their turn are dependent on the prevailing winds, which are charged with the temperature and moisture of the regions they have traversed. The isobaric charts show further that the distribution of the mass of the earth's atmosphere depends on the geographical distribution of land and water in their relations to the sun's heat and to radiation towards the regions of space in different seasons.

In 1882 Loomis published a map showing the mean rainfall of the globe. This map and others that have been constructed for separate countries show conclusively that the rainfall of any region is determined by the prevailing winds considered in relation to regions from which they have come, and the physical configuration and temperature of the part of the earth's surface over which they blow. The maximum rainfall is precipitated by winds which,