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principal other buildings are the church of St Nicholas (with a tower 330 feet high and a valuable library), the old town-house, the theatre, the gymnasium, the orphanage, and the lunatic asylum. There is a considerable shipping trade in Pomeranian corn with England, France, and the Mediterranean ports. Fish-curing, shipbuilding, and the manufacture of machines, railway waggons, needles, soap, tobacco, and oil, are the principal other industries. The population in 1875 was 18,022. Greifswald was founded about 1240 by mechanics and merchants from the Netherlands. In 1250 it received a town constitution and Liibeck rights from Duke Wratislaus of Pomerania. In 1270 it formed a league with the Hanse towns, Stralsuud, Kostoek, "VVisinar, and Liibeck ; and it took part in the wars which they carried on against the kings of Denmark and Norway. During the Thirty Years War it was formed into a fortress by the imperialists, but they vacated it in 1631 to the Swedes, in whose possession it remained after the peace of Westphalia. In 1678 it was captured by the elector of Brandenburg, but it was restored to the Swedes in the following year; in 1713 it was desolated by the llussians; in 1715 it came into the possession of Denmark; and in 1721 it was again restored to Sweden, under whose protection it remained till 1815, when, along with the whole of Swedish Pomerania, it came into the possession of Prussia. See Kosegarten, Gcschichte dcr Uni- versitat Greifswald, 1856; and Gesterding, BeitragzuT Gcscliichte dcr Stadt Greifswald, 3 vols., 1827-29.

GREIZ, or Greitz (formerly Grewitz or Grewz), a town of Germany, capital of the principality of Reuss-Greiz, is situated in a pleasant valley on the right bank of the White Elster, near the borders of Saxony, and .14 miles W. by S. of Zwickau. It is surrounded by walls, and is tolerably well built. The principal buildings are the prince s palace surrounded by a fine park, the old "residence" castle on a rock overlooking the town, the summer palace with a fine garden, the old town church dating from 1225 and possess ing a beautiful tower, the town-house, the city school build ings, the normal seminary for the principality, and the lower city school. The industries include dyeing, tanning, and the manufacture of woollen, cotton, and silk cloth, shawls, coverlets, and paper. The population in 1875 was 12,057. Creiz is apparently of Slavic origin. From the 12th century it was governed by bailiff s, but in 1236 it came into the possession of Gera, and in 1550 of the younger line of the house of Plauen. It was wholly destroyed by fire in 1494, and almost wholly in 1802. See Wilke, Grciz und seine Umgcbung, 1875.

GRENADA, the most southern island of the Antilles, lies between 11 58 and 12 30 , N. lat. and 61 20 and 61 35 W. long. It is 30 leagues S. VV. of Barbados, and about 60 miles from the nearest point of South America. Its length from north to south is about 24 miles, and its greatest breadth is 12 miles. The area is 133 square miles. Grenada is rendered highly picturesque by ridges of hills covered with trees and brushwood, and by an irregular but continuous range of mountains which traverses the island from north to south, in some parts rising to 3000 feet above the level of the sea. Lesser ridges branch off, form ing rich and picturesque valleys. The mountains and some parts of the lowlands consist of red and gray sandstone, greywacke, hornblende, and argillaceous schist. The strata are much diversified and irregular. Sulphur and fuller s earth are found. Porphyry, limestone, and basaltic rocks occur at certain places. Rivers are numerous, but not large. In the centre of the island, 1740 feet above the level of the sea, is the Grand Etang, a circular lake 2 miles in cir cumference and 14 feet deep, feeding numerous small rivers. Lake Antoine is another remarkable natural feature. There are several hot chalybeate and sulphurous springs. Along the coast are numerous excellent bays and harbours. The waters abound with fish ; game and birds of various species are found. Hurricanes are compara tively unfrequent, but earthquake shocks are sometimes experienced. The average temperature is 82 Fahr., but the higher parts are cooler. Considerable rain falls. The soil is extraordinarily fertile; but cotton, indigo, and tobacco are not now cultivated. Fruits and some kinds of European vegetables grow luxuriantly. Sugar cultivation is not ex,- tending, but cocoa is now making rapid strides. The island is divided into six parishes. Formerly it had a house of assembly, but is now a crown colony under the general government of the Windward Islands. It has a lieutenant-governor and a council consisting of officials and members nominated by the crown. The capital, St George s (population about 5000), is built upon a peninsula projecting into a spacious bay on the west side of the island, near the southern extremity. The houses are of brick or stone, and stand on high ground which rises from the bay. The town is divided by a ridge running into the sea, forming on one side the careenage, a large basin of water, where ships lie landlocked, close to wharves and stores. A saluting battery, Fort George, overlooks the entrance. On the left, the land rises to the fortifications of Hospital Hill ; and a long ridge connects this fort with Richmond Heights, which form the back ground of the scene and are also fortified. The ridge which connects Fort George with Hospital Hill separates the careenage from the larger portion of the town, which contains an extensive market-place, and looks upon the bay. Besides the careenage, there is a spacious sheet of water called the lagoon, separated from the former by a reef passable only by boats. Between Grenada and St Vincent there are several small islands called Grenadines, some being included in the government of Grenada. Of these Carriacou is the most important, It is about 19 miles in circumference, and con tains 3071 inhabitants. Ground provisions, live stock, and some cocoa are cultivated. The exports in 1877 were cocoa, 1244 tons ; whale oil, 6720 galls. ; rum, 53,609 galls. ; sugar, 2792 tons. The cocoa exports in 1878 were 1900 tons, an amount considerably exceeded in 1879. The total value of imports amounted in 1877 to 127, 204, includ ing 60,201 from the United Kingdom, and 46,724 from the British West Indies. The value of exports to the United Kingdom was 122,821, and to other countries, 23,085 ; total, 145,906. The revenue was 29,084, of which customs produced 13,460, and the expenditure was 29,581. Population (1877), 41,355. About 400 Coolie immigrants were introduced in 1877. Considerable immigra tion takes place from Barbados. The legislature grants 1200 annually for education, distributed among 30 schools, 16 Anglican, 5 Wesleyan, 9 Roman Catholic, with 2908 scholars. Grenada was discovered by Columbus in 1498. The Spaniards, however, did not form a settlement there. The island is one of the "Caribbees" granted to the earl of Carlisle in 1627; but it was inhabited only by warlike Caribs until 1650-51, when Du Parquet, governor of Martinique, organized two expeditions to it. The Frenchmen were at first well received by the natives, but great cruelty was exercised in the extirpation of the latter. The island made little progress until after 1700. In 1714 the French West India Company acquired their property in Grenada ; commercial intercourse sprang up with Martinique ; and when the company was dissolved the island became vested in the crown of France. In 1753 it contained 1262 whites, 11,991 slaves, and 83 sugar planta tions. In 1762 Grenada capitulated to the British forces, and it was formally ceded in the treaty of peace of 1763. It was, however, retaken by the French in 1779, and not finally restored to Great Britain in 1783 till the general peace.

GRENOBLE, a fortified city of France, formerly the chief town of Dauphine and now of the department of tie Isere, lies 58 miles E. of Lyons, in 45 11 57" N. lat. and 5 43 29" E. long. Few of the cities of France have a finer situation. The Isere unites with the Drac a few miles further down, and the broad and fertile valley through which the rivers flow is encompassed by a fine panorama of hills and mountains. From the botanic gardens, for ex ample, the eastward view comprises the Savoy Alps with the summit of Mount Blanc, and the westward the mountains of St Nizier, while more to the north the hills rise directly above the town, and are crowned by the fort of the Bastille.

The beauty of the Isere itself is enhanced by fine bridges