Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 10.djvu/612

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five thickness of the gold-leaf used in ancient gilding, the traces of it which yet remain are remarkably brilliant and solid. Gildiiig has in all times occupied an important place in the ornamental arts of Oriental countries; and the native processes pursued in India at the present day may be taken as typical of the art as practised from the earliest periods. For the gilding of copper, employed in the decoration of temple domes and other large works, the following is an outline of the processes employed. The metal surface is thoroughly scraped, cleaned, and polished, and next heated in a fire sufficiently to remove any traces of grease or other impurity which may remain from the operation of polishing. It is then dipped in an acid solution prepared from dried unripe apricots, and rubbed with pumice or brick powder. Next, the surface is rubbed over with mercury which forms a superficial amalgam with the copper, after which it is left some hours in clean water, again washed with the acid Solution, and dried. It is now ready for receiving the gold, which is laid on in leaf, and, on adhering, assumes a grey appearance from combining with the mercury, but on the application of heat the latter metal volatilizcs, leaving the gold a dull greyish hue. The colour is brought tip by means of rubbing with agate burnishers. The weight of mercury used in this process is double that of the gold laid on, and the thickness of the gilding is regulated by the circumstances or necessities of the case. For the gilding of iron or steel, the surface is first scratched over with chequered lines, then washed in a hot solution of green apricots, dried, and heated just short.of red-heat. The gold-leaf is then laid on, and rubbed in with agate burnishcrs, when it adheres by catching

into the prepared scratched surface.

Modern gilding is applied to numerous and diverse surfaces and by various distinct processes, so that the art is prosecuted in many_w-.ys, and is part of widely different ornamental and useful arts. It forms an important and essential part of frame-making (see Carving and Gilding); it is largely employed in connexion with cabinet-work, decorative painting, and house ornamentation ; and it also bulks largely in bookbinding and ornamental leather work. Further, gilding is much employed for coating baser metals, as in button-making, in the gilt toy trade, in electro-gilt reproductions, and in electro-plating; and it is also a characteristic feature in the decoration of pottery, porcelain, and glass. As details of the processes employed in connexion with these various substances will be found in the parts of this work where the technical processes to which they are related are described, it is only necessary here to indicate how the processes of gilding differ from each other.

The various processes fall under one or other of two heads—mechanical gilding and gilding by chemical agency.

Mechanical Gilding embraces all the operations by which gold-leaf is prepared (see Gold-Beating), and the several processes by which it is mechanically attached to the surfaces it is intended to cover. It thus embraces the buriiish or water-gilding and the oil-gilding of the carver and gilder, and the gilding operations of the house decorator, the sign-painter, the bookbinder, the paper-staincr, and several others. Polished iron, steel, and other metals are gilt mechanically by applying gold-leaf to the metallic. surface at a. temperature just under red-heat, pressing the leaf on with a burnishcr, and reheating, when additional leaf may be laid on. The process is completed by cold buriiishing.

Chemical Gilding embraces those processes in which the gold used is at some stage in a state of chemical combination. Of these the following are the principal:—

Cold Gilding.—In this process the gold is obtained in a state of extremely fine division from a. chemical compound, and applied by mechanical means. Cold gilding on silver is performed by asolution of gold in aqua-regia, applied by dipping a linen rag into the solution, burning it, and rubbing the black and heavy ashes on the sith-r with the finger or a picCc of leather or cork. IV rt gilding is effected by means of a. solution of gold in ether, obtained by treating a dilute solution of chloride of gold with twice its quantity of ether. The liquids are agitated and allowed to rest, when the ether separat4 s and floats on the surface of the acid. The whole mixture is then poured into a funnel with a small aperture, and allowed to rest for some time, when the acid is rim off and the ether separated. The ether will be found to have taken up all the gold from the acid, and may be used for gilding iron or steel, for which purpose the metal is polished with the finest cmerv and spirits of wine. The ether is then applied with a small brus i, and as it evaporates it deposits the gold, which can now be heated and polished. For small delicate figures a peti or a fine brush may be used for laying on the ether solution. Fire-gilding or Wash-gilding is a process by which an amalgam of gold is applied to metallic surfaces, the mercury being subsequently volatilized, leaving a film of gold or, according to Struve, an amalgam containing from 13 to 16 per cent. of mercury. In the preparation of the amalgam the gold must first be reduced to thin plates or grains, which are heated red hot, and thrown into mercury previously heated, till it begins to smoke. Upon stirring the mercury with an iron rod, the gold totally disappears. The proportion of mercury to gold is generally as six or tight to one. When the amalgam is cold it is squeezed through cliamois leather for the purpose of separating the superfluous mercury: the gold, with about twice its weight of mercury, remains behind, forming a yellowish silvery mass of the consistence of butter. When the metal to bcgilt is wrought or chased, it ought to be covered with quicksilver before the amalgam is applied, that this may be more easily spread ; but when the surface of the metal is plain, the amalgam may be applied to it direct. When no such preparation is applied, the surface to be gilded is simply bitten and cleaned with nitric acid. A deposit of mercury is obtained on a metallic surface by means of “quicksilver water," a solution of nitrate of nicrcury,—the nitric acid attacking the metal to which it is applied, and thus leaving a film of free metallic mercury. The amalgam being equally spread overtbe prepared surface of' the metal, the mercury is then sublimed by a heat just sufficient for that purpose; for, if it is too great, part of the gold may be driven off, or it may run together and leave some of the surface of the metal bare. When the mercury has evaporated, which is known by the surface having entirely become of a dull yellow colour, the metal must undergo other operations, by which the fine gold colour is given to it. First, the gilded surface is rubbed with a scratch brush of brass wire, until its surface be smooth ; then it is covered over with a composition called “ gilding wax," and again exposed to the fire until the wax is burnt off. This wax is composed of beeswax mixed with some of the following substances, viz.. red ochre, verdigris, copper scales, alum, vitriol, borax ; but, according to Dr Lewis, the saline substances alone are sufficient, without any wax. By this operation the colour oftlie gilding is in ighteiied ; and the effect seems to be produced by a perfect dissipation of some mercury remaining after the former operation. The dissipation is well effected by this cquable application of heat. The gilt surface is then covered over with a saline composition, consisting of nitre, alum, or other vitriolic salts, ground together, and mixed up into a paste with water or weak ammonia. The piece of metal thus covered is exposed to a certain degree of heat, and then quenched in water. By this method its colour is further improved and brought. nearer to that I-f gold, probably by removing any particles of copper that may have been on the gilt surface. This process, when skilfully carried out, produces gilding of great solidity and beauty ; but owing to the exposure of the workmen t0 mercurial fumes, it is very unhealthy, and further there is much loss of mercury. Numerous contrivances have been introduced to obviate these serious evils ; and the gilding furnace invented by M. D’Arect is so arranged that the whole of the mercurial fumcs are caught and i‘ccondensed for further use. (tilt brass buttons used for uniforms are gift by this process, and there is an .-\ct of Parliament yet uiii‘cpcaled which prescribes 5 grains of gold as the smallest quantity that may be used for the gilding of 12 dozen of buttons 1 inch in diameter.

Electro-gilding, which has numerous and important application is described under Electro-Metallurgy.

Gilding of Pottery and Porcelain.—Thc quantity of gold consumed for these purposes is very large. The gold used is dissolved in aqua-regia, and the acid is driven off by heat, or the gold may be precipitated by means of sulphate of iron. In this pulverulent state the gold is mixed with {fth of its weight of oxide of bismuth, together with asmall quantity of borax and gum water. The mixture is applied to the articles with a camel’s hair pencil, and after passing through the fire the gold is of a dingy colour, but the lustre is brought out by buriiisliing with agate and bloods-tone, and afterwards cleaning with vinegar or white-lead.

GILEAD (1:35;, 2'.c., «hm-t1" m- “magi-.1") i..- sometimes

used,both in earlier and in later writers, to denote the whole of the territory occupied by the Israelites eastward of Jordan, extending from the Amen to the southern base of Hermon (Dent. xxxiv. l ; Judg. xx. 1 ; Jos., .1221. xii. 8. 3, 4‘). More precisely, however, it was the usual name of that mountainous district which is bounded on the Nrby the Hicromax (Yarinuk), on the E. by the Jordan, on the S. by

the Arnon, and on the W'. by a line which may be said to