Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/287

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petticoat will, of course, vary according to the yarn and needles used. The model is knit in red and white doubled Shetland lambs's wool; it will take two ounces of red, and three of white wool.

Cast on two hundred and sixteen stitches with the red wool.

1st row: Purl.

2nd row: Knit plain.

3rd row: Purl.

4th row: Knit plain.

5th row: Slip one, knit two together, knit three, * make one, knit one, make one, knit three, knit two together, make one, knit two together, knit three, repeat from * to the end of the row.

Sixth row: Purl.

7th row: Like the fifth.

8th row: Purl.

9th row: Like the fifth.

10th row: Purl.

11th row: Like the fifth.

12th row: Purl.

13th row : Like the fifth.

14th row: Join in the white wool, and purl the row.

15th row: Purl.

16th row: Knit plain.

17th row: Purl.

18th row: Purl.

19th row: Knit plain.

20th and following rows, alternately like the fifth and sixth rows, until thirteen rows of white have been knitted; then join on the red and repeat from the fourteenth. Repeat these patterns until there are three patterns of red and two of white. Join on the white wool and knit forty-eight rows in brioche stitch; in the first row take three stitches together at the end of the row.

This petticoat is very pretty knit in pale blue German-