Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/282

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knit one, pass the slipped stitch over, knit two. Repeat from first row:


For a medium sized hand, wearing six and one half or six and three-quarters, cast on of three hundred knitting silk on No. 20 needles seventy-two stitches.

1st row: * Purl one, knit one, purl one, knit one, over and knit one eight times. Repeat from * to end of third needle.

2nd row: * Purl one, knit one, purl one, knit seventeen. Repeat from *.

3rd row: Purl one, knit one, purl one, slip one, knit one and throw slipped stitch over, knit thirteen, knit two together. Repeat from *.

4th row: * Purl one, knit one, purl one, slip one, knit one and throw slipped stitch over, knit eleven, knit two together. Repeat from *.

5th row: Purl one, knit one, purl one, slip one, knit one and throw slipped stitch over, knit nine, knit two together. Repeat from *.

6th row: * Purl one, knit one, purl one, slip one, knit one and throw slipped over, knit seven, knit two together, Repeat from *.

This forms one row of shells. Repeat from first row until there are nine rows of shells for the wrist. Carry three rows of shells up the back of the hand, making the purl one, knit one, purl one on each side. To form the gore of the thumb widen about every fourth row until you have thirty-six stitches, making a purled stitch on each side of gore and leaving between the last purl stitch at side of shell and purl stitch at side of thumb three stitches. Shape off the thirty-six stitches for the thumb, cast on twelve for the hand and knit plain to the end of the little finger and commence narrowing.

Reduce number of stitches in shells from nine to seven