Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/233

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point, six chain, one single into fourth, two chain, one single into next point, * eight chain, one single into the fourth, three chain, one single into next point of braid. Repeat from * twice more. Six chain, one single into fourth, two chain, one single into next point. Eepeat between the two last **. Six chain, one single into the fourth, two chain, one single into the next point, eight chain, one single in the fourth, three chain, one single in the next point five chain, one treble into next point, seven chain. Repeat from the beginning of the edge.

For the middle of d'oyley, join the braid neatly with a needle and cotton to the piece of braid the first circle was begun with. Count the points of braid in No. 107, and arrange them as shown in the cut. The straight inner lines of braid lying together are sewn to the two middle points of the braid, which connect the circles. The inner lines are worked with two chain, one double into the two points lying together. Repeat nine times more; this finishes the straight centre lines.

The chain-stitches in the centre of each division can be easily worked from the design.

For the middle star, five chain, join round.

1st Round: Two chain, one treble; repeat four times more.

2nd Round: Five chain, one double under the two chain, five chain, one double under the same; repeat all round.

3rd Round: Seven chain, one double under the five chain.

4th Round: Five chain; one double in the centre of five chain. Join to the centre point of braid; five chain, one double in the centre of next five chain; join to the next centre point of braid. Repeat all round.