Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/221

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Petticoat for child of one year old.

Fig. 102.

Materials required, six ounces white and one ounce scarlet Berlin wool (crochet-hooks Nos. 10 and 12). The waist and skirt are worked separately. It is best worked to a paper pattern. With the white wool and hook No. 12 begin the bodice on the button side of the back. For a child of the age mentioned a chain of about thirty-six inches will be required. Work as follows: one treble into the back horizontal stitch of each loop; increase by working twice into each stitch at the bottom of every other row to make the slope at the bottom of the waist. To shape the armhole pass over two stitches at the commencement of one row, and at the end of the next row until you have worked to the centre of armhole, then increase in the same proportion that you decreased. Work straight across the front without increase or